- What are mezzo's deliriums ?

    Since the issue 310 from November 1997 of the French magazine "Picsou Magazine" are published drawings from Don Rosa made exclusively for French readers. Then, from the issue 316 from May 1998, to the issue 349, from February 2001, except for the issue 348 which had one of Barks' oil paintings instead, each month were published an exclusive drawing in page 2 which illustrated one of the story by Barks or Rosa published in the magazine, or sometimes several stories at the same time, or which was a tribute to a special character.
All those drawing were called "Les Inédits de Don Rosa",  (Don Rosa's News). You can see them at Jano Rohleder's page. Barks' oil paintings were called "Les Peintures de Carl Barks", or "Les Trésors de Carl Barks" (Barks' Paintings/Treasuries), but only two were published, one in the issue 349, and another one , "Trick or Treat?", in the issue 333, because this issue had two covers, one under the other one, so the first second page was with a "Les Inédits de Don Rosa", and the second second page with a "Les Trésors de Carl Barks | Des Bobos ou des Bonbons pour Halloween ?". You can find almost all of Barks' paintings at Jakob's pages.

Then, until the issue 350, which was an issue "Special Carl Barks' Centenial", Picsou Magazine stopped to publish exclusive stories and drawings of Don Rosa, and a new French Disney drawer draws the second pages : Mezzo (his real name is Pascal Mesemberg) Nothing is much known about him. He just started to draw for Picsou Magazine for the issue 280, according to the columns at the end of each magazine, with the section "The following people collaborated to this issue's publication :", but those drawings were not Disney drawings, just pictures which illustrated the gift in the magazine, or the issue to come, ot the games... Three other drawers collaborated for the tribute to Carl Barks in the issue 350 : Lewis Trondheim, Michel Pirus ( his name is also in the section "people who helped for the realization of the magazine" since the issue 279, and since the issue 361, he draws short stories, section titles and covers for a fictionnal extra magazine inside Picsou Magazine : "Coin Coin"), and Lazoo (He draws non-Disney pictures for Picsou Magazine since the issue 251, which illustrate the theme of the magazine, for instance the Andes for the issue which published Don Rosa's "The Three Caballeros Ride Again", and informations about Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove"; he also drew a picture of Walt Disney for his 100's birthday, and a picture i tribute to Picsou Magazine's 30th birthday). (I scanned those drawing, if you want to see them :
Lazoo's drawing of Scrooge McDuck
Lazoo's drawing of Walt Disney (new)
Lazoo's drawing for PM's 30th birthday (new)
Michel Pirus' drawing (updated)
Lewis Trondheim's one-page story ).
Mezzo also still draws non-Disney one-page pictures in Picsou Magazine, to illustrate sections or gifts. Since the issue 361, he draws on the last but one page one-page drawings entitled "MEZZO LE MOIS PROCHAIN" (MEZZO NEXT MONTH"), and he also drew the cover of the "Coin Coin"#2 in PM 362.

As his Disney drawings, called "Les Délires de Mezzo" ( Mezzo's Deliriums !) are really beautiful, I decided to share them with you...
He uses a style never seen before, "Old School" but modern at the same time, with colors that make think to the old American comic books.
Besides, they are a parody of them.

- Index :

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# 2

# 3

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# 10

# 11

# 12

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page created on October 15, 2001, last updated April 1, 2002