Interresting Disney-related links
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Family trees of Disney characters
Maps and theories about the geographic conception of the Disney universe
Cars of Disney characters
Characters from real life used in Carl Barks and Don Rosa's stories
Panels from Carl Barks' stories redrawn in Don Rosa's stories

Researches on Disney Comics and Cartoons...

News :

- June 8th, 2007 : Updates of design, structure and content to be announced, including a new section about the use of Disney Characters in contemporary art (Helwein, Stenvall, InterDuck, Warhol, Schorr,...). A MySpace page has been created.

- Winter 2006 : Publication of Danish Donaldist Fanzine DDF(R) #9. I was asked to do the cover, and imagined a surreal illustration referring to all of the articles published in this issue at the same time (South-American characters, interview with former redactor Jørgen Fogedby, interview of Duck researcher Jon Gisle, Dutch Disney Comics production, and last part of Sigvald's "History of Duckburg"). I also had the pleasure to see my researches mentionned in this later article, concerning my assumptions about Huey, Dewey and Louie's father... I also designed the issue backside, as well as a gag poster for DDF(R) 5 years meeting.

Contacting Gilles R. Maurice :

You are visitor number since April 30, 2001...

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They are used for purposes of study and reference, under non-profit conditions.
Disney's copyrights are acknowledged and  respected.